












The Era of Intelligent Machines
Many philosophers have regarded creative intelligence as the greatest power in the universe. Through this force humanity has transformed the surface of this planet and is now reaching to outer space for further conquests. These achievements have been made possible by machines which man has devised to augment the working of the natural laws which govern the cosmos.
The great technological accomplishments of the last few centuries have centered largely about the harnessing of physical energy to control our environment. Our fabulously increased ability to move about and manipulate objects can be viewed mainly as the result of the development of tools for improving upon our unaided muscular and sensory apparatus.
The electronic computer is a radically new type of machine--not simply an extension of our limbs and our senses. It can be conceived, in a sense, as an appendage to our central nervous system. Automatic data processing machine assist us in remembering and organizing external stimuli, in coordinating the tools which give us power over our environment, and in probing more deeply into the foundations of the sciences.
But the import of computers is far more than technological. These machines are serving an ever-increasing function in the rational organization of social effort. An army comparable in size to the military forces of a major world power has as its daily mission the recording, processing, and analyzing of the information generated by American industrial, professional, and governmental organizations. This army of clerical workers, consisting of about 15 million people, does not manufacture or distribute goods or services, but is occupied mainly with the handling of the data related to these productive activities in our complex civilization.
With the advent of the industrial revolution, the ratio of clerical personnel to directly productive labor has been growing continually. The invention of calculating equipment has, to a large extent, been motivated by the need for faster, cheaper, more efficient methods of processing data. Although the automatic computer was devised mainly in response to scientific needs, the requirements of business and government data handling have been a major stimulant to the further development of this machinery. The fact that about 1.5 billion lead pencils are sold yearly is perhaps some indication of the enormous area of information-processing activities which have yet to be mechanized.
So fast is the pace of modern science and technology that it now seems incredible that in 1931 it took 3 days for a passenger to fly from New York to Los Angeles in the Fokker F-10.Should a modern air traveler, who can now make the trip in less than 6 hours, be subjected for some reason to such a long flight, he would feel this as an intolerable hardship. Yet, 50 or so years previously the same trip in a covered wagon took months of arduous toil under extreme physical danger.
The technology of data processing has advanced with similar rapidity. When the IBM Electronic Calculating Punch, type 604, was announced in 1974, it was greeted with tremendous enthusiasm as a "brain" capable of advanced computational feats. This machine had an electronic memory capacity of 50 digits, and had a normal input rate of 2100 digits per minute. In 1953, when the writer entered the data processing field, he was astounded to learn that electronic computers could perform several thousand additions per second. But within 10 years it was no surprise to hear of machines which could execute a quarter-million additions per second, and new equipment was in the offing which would he even faster. Input-output speeds, too, have increased from the order of tens of thousands of characters per second to hundreds of thousands, Electronic memories have grown from units which can store thousands of numbers to devices with capacities for storing hundreds of millions. Components retaining billions of characters will probably be available within several years.
The ability of electronic computers to play chess and checkers, translate languages, prove mathematical theorems, and perform such popular exploits as election tabulation and prediction has stirred the imagination even more than the fantastic speeds at which the machines operate. The significance of these machines for commercial data processing has been equally exciting. The early applications of electronic computers were for scientific and engineering calculations. Here they could sometimes accomplish, in a matter of hours or days, work which would take humans years or even centuries to complete. Later, when employed in a widespread way for business information systems, such accounting procedures as payroll, hilling, and inventory control could be carried out with greatly increased speed and efficiency. A rapidly growing science of management rests upon the use of computers for supplying fast, complete, and reliable information.
The advent of high-speed data processing machines capable of remembering vast quantities of information has enabled many industrial, military, and state functions to be executed with greatly increased productivity. Of major significance has also been the use of the immense new computational facilities in rendering possible scientific and engineering advances in many spheres of technology. The exploration of interstellar space relies heavily upon computers, both on the ground and as combination in the space vehicles themselves.
The present state of business data processing may well turn out to be comparable to the of the airlines in 1934 when, with a combination of the DC-2 and the Curtiss Condor, passengers crossed the United States in 21 hours. Future commercial accounting will probably rely on electronics instead of paper handling. Huge regional computational units, similar to bank clearing houses, will be established. In and out of these units, messages will flow continually from thousands of different business enterprises within the area. Every place of business will have small, inexpensive terminal devices combining the functions of cash registers, typewriters, two-way television, and telephones. From the units, transactions such as sales and purchase orders will be entered into the remote computer via telephone lines or microwaves. These messages will be identified automatically and processed according to contract. The data handling will include the storage of millions of characters of information, the statistical analysis of trans actions, the sending of messages (such as bills) to other firms, and compiling of management report.
The develop of electronic computer has been heralded as the beginning of a second industrial revolution as tremendous in scope as that initiated by the invention of the steam engine. These predictions appear to be coming true. Automatic data processors are in no sense “brains”. However, in noncreative operations they are far superior to the human mind in speed, accuracy, information storage, and freedom from error. They are devices for controlling other machines, for organizing economic and social information, and for acquiring new knowledge of our environment.



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